Remote Work

Remote Coaching Dynamics: The Journey to Clarity with Redhook CEO Brie-Ann Forhecz - ep. 084

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Join us for an exciting new episode of the Remotely One podcast, broadcasting from the Tandem booth at the Transform HR conference in Las Vegas! Our host, Kaleem Clarkson, was thrilled to welcome guest Brie-Ann Forhecz, Founder and CEO of Redhook Coaching. Hailing from the Jersey Shore and now based in Manhattan, Brie-Ann brings over a decade of experience in HR management and a passion for coaching to the table.


Unlocking Global Opportunities: Discover 180,000 Remote Jobs with JobGether Co-founder Alex Hernandez - ep. 075

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In this captivating episode, hosts Rick Haney and Kaleem Clarkson take their listeners on a journey through the dynamic realms of entrepreneurship, innovation, and the future of work with special guest, Alex Hernandez, co-founder of JobGether, who joins the conversation to offer unique insights gleaned from his entrepreneurial journey and his profound understanding of the evolving landscape of remote work.
